Senior Editors

Patrick W. Berry

Patrick W. Berry is an associate professor of writing and rhetoric at Syracuse University. His research on literacy narratives, digital media and production, and community outreach includes work published in Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy (2007), the coauthored chapters of Ubiquitous Learning (2009) and Technological Ecologies & Sustainability (2009); forthcoming articles in Pedagogy (2014) and English Education; and the award winning born-digital Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times (2012, with Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe). He completed his doctoral work in the Center for Writing Studies and Department of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has taught courses in first-year composition, professional writing, magazine production, and digital media composing in diverse classrooms, including a medium-high security prison. Originally from New York City, he completed an MA in literature at Brooklyn College while working in magazine publishing before turning to his chosen field of Writing Studies. His is the author of Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison.

Amber Buck

Amber Buck is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Alabama where she teaches courses in multimodal writing and digital rhetoric. Her work examines digital literacies on social media platforms and has been published in Research in the Teaching of English, Computers and Composition, and Kairos. Amber also co-directs the CCDP Digital Fellows program.

Tim Lockridge

Tim Lockridge is an associate professor of English at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He is the author of Translinguality, Transmodality, and Difference: Exploring Dispositions and Change in Language and Learning (written with Cynthia L. Selfe & Bruce Horner) and Writing Workflows: Beyond Word Processing (written with Derek Van Ittersum), as well as articles in Computers & Composition and Kairos. Tim also maintains Rhetorlist and is working on digital publishing & preservation resources.

Digital Media Editor

Ja'La Wourman

Ja’La Wourman is an assistant professor of technical writing in the school of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication at James Madison University. She has taught a range of courses from professional writing, rhetoric race and cultures, and first year writing. Her research examines the ways race and culture influence digital media platforms, design practices, Black women entrepreneurs, and organizations. Her published work has appeared in Kairos, Spark:4C4E, and NCTE. Ja'La also co-directs the CCDP Digital Fellows Program.

Technology Development Editor

Derek Van Ittersum

Derek Van Ittersum is an Associate Professor of English at Kent State University, where he teaches in the Literacy, Rhetoric, and Social Practice graduate program. His research traces the reciprocal development of new writing practices and new writing technologies. His published work has appeared in Computers and Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, Computers and Composition Online, and Composition Studies.

Public Outreach Editor

Estee Beck

Estee Beck is an assistant professor of English at The University of Texas at Arlington where she teaches digital multimodal authoring and professional and technical writing. Her research analyzes intersections of computer algorithms, privacy, and surveillance connected with writing infrastructures. She also works as an accessibility editor for Enculturation and previously was an associate & assistant editor for Computers & Composition. Her published work appears in Kairos, Computers & Composition, and Hybrid Pedagogy.


Wenqi Cui

Wenqi Cui is a Ph.D. candidate in the Composition and Applied Linguistics program at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She explores literacy pedagogy accounting for culturally, linguistically, and technologically diverse classrooms, while also being committed to building a sustainable learning environment and increasing communication and social equity. Her research focuses on digital rhetoric, multilingual learners, cross-cultural communication, writing center studies, and learning transfer. In addition, her research on multilingual learners earned her a CCCC Scholars for the Dream Travel Award in 2020. Further published work has appeared in Computers and Composition, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, The Peer Review, The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, Journal of International Students, The Journal of English as an International Language, among others, as well as an upcoming co-authored article in College Composition and Communication in 2022.

Elena Kalodner-Martin

Elena Kalodner-Martin is a PhD candidate in Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where her research is at the intersection of the rhetoric of health and medicine and technical communication. At UMass, Elena teaches courses in the Professional Writing and Technical Communication certificate program and in College of Information and Computer Sciences. She is also an Associate Editor of Kairos and serves on the Graduate Outreach Committee for CPTSC. Her most recent co-authored work is forthcoming from Programmatic Perspectives in November 2021.

Lindsey Kim

Lindsey C. Kim is a PhD candidate in composition and rhetoric at the University of South Carolina, where she has taught first-year writing and business writing courses for the English Department. She also has an interest in writing program administration, having served as an assistant director for the Writing Center and as the assistant editor for the First-Year English program at U of SC. Her research examines plain language as a site of rhetorical praxis as a means of creating more accessible and ethical avenues for communicating complex information to wider audiences.

Sara Maurice Whitver

Sara Maurice Whitver is a PhD Student in the Composition and Rhetoric in English Studies program at The University of Alabama. She is also an associate professor and librarian at the University of Alabama Libraries, where she is the Coordinator of Library Instruction. Her research interests include disability studies and cultural rhetorics in digital spaces, as well as Universal Design for Learning, and Reflective Pedagogy. She has been published in portal: Libraries in the Academy, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, Reference Services Review, Communications in Information Literacy, and has a book chapter in The Grounded Instruction Librarian: Participating in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Sara’s dissertation project examines discourse communities on Instagram that self-advocate through selfie-posting of pregnant bodies.

Motunrayo Ogunrinbokun

Motunrayo Ogunrinbokun is a PhD English student at the University of Florida with a specialization in Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Her research interests include digital rhetoric, medical humanities and composition pedagogy. Motunrayo is particularly interested in studying decolonial practice in global health rhetoric. She teaches first year composition, digital literacy and technical writing.

Associate Editor

James Eubanks

James Eubanks is CCDP's Preservation Associate Editor. James is a Composition, Rhetoric, and English Studies PhD student at the University of Alabama. His research interests include African American Rhetoric, composition pedagogies and Digital Humanities. His current work is examining the spatial shift from traditional church-centered civic engagement in the African-American community to online spaces like Twitter. Speaking of Twitter, follow him @treesquire

Assistant Editor

Annie Shi

Annie Shi is a senior at Syracuse University who’s pursuing a major in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition, and a minor in English and Textual Studies. Having moved around a lot in East Asia, she’s accumulated broad fields of interest and professional experience in technical writing and copywriting, as well as web and game design — anything that mixes the incredible potential of the written word with the endless possibility of digital platforms. She’s fluent in Mandarin and Japanese, and tries her best to be conversational in Java. After graduation, she intends to pursue an MFA in Fiction; in the meantime, she’s focused on using her love for storytelling to make a difference in the communities she belongs to.

Founding Editors

Gail E. Hawisher

Gail E. Hawisher is Professor Emeritus of English and founded in 1990 the Center for Writing Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She has primarily published in literacy and digital media studies, and has co-edited with Cynthia Selfe the international journal Computers and Composition, along with three book series. The book series encompass over 35 scholarly volumes published since 1989. Her published work with Cynthia Selfe includes Global Literacies and the World Wide Web (Routledge, 2000) and Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies (Utah State University Press, 1999), which won the Distinguished Book Award at Computers and Writing 2000. She and co-author, Selfe, have also published the book-length Literate Lives in the Information Age (Erlbaum, 2004), which uses life history interviews to look at how people in the United States take up digital literacies. Most recently, with Patrick Berry and Selfe, she co-authored the born-digital Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times (USUP, 2012). She has had the honor of presenting this scholarship to colleagues around the world in Australia, People’s Republic of China, New Zealand, Greece, Canada, Japan, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Russia, France, Brazil, Norway, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Her university has awarded her the Lynn M. Martin Award for Distinguished Women Faculty, the Campuswide Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2004) and the University Distinguished Teacher/Scholar Award (2005). CCDP and its books have also been recognized for excellence on several occasions, receiving most recently the Conference on College Composition and Communication 2013 Research Impact and Advancement of Knowledge Awards for Hawisher and her coauthors' Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times. With Cynthia Selfe, she is proud to edit the international Computers and Composition Digital Press (CCDP) along with a talented team of coeditors and colleagues.

Cynthia L. Selfe

Cynthia L. Selfe is Humanities Distinguished Professor in the Department of English at The Ohio State University, and the co-Founder, with Gail Hawisher of Computers and Composition Digital Press. In 1996, Selfe was recognized as an EDUCOM Medal award winner for innovative computer use in higher education—the first woman and the first English teacher ever to receive this award. In 2000, Selfe, with long-time collaborator Gail Hawisher, was presented with the Outstanding Technology Innovator award by the CCCC Committee on Computers. In 2013, Selfe—along with co-authors Gail Hawisher and Patrick Berry—was presented with both the CCCC Research Impact Award and the CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award for their collective work on Transnational Literate Lives, a born-digital book with the Computers and Composition Press/Utah State University Press. Selfe has served as the Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication; the Chair of the College Section of the National Council of Teachers of English; and, with Hawisher, the co-editor of Computers and Composition: An International Journal. Selfe has authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited numerous books on computers in composition studies including Stories That Speak to Us (with H. L. Ulman and S. L. DeWitt, CCDP/USUP, 2013), Transnational Literate Lives (with P. W. Berry and G. E. Hawisher, CCDP/USUP, 2012), Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers (Hampton Press, 2007), Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century (with G. E. Hawisher, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), Literacy and Technology in the 21st Century, the Perils of Not Paying Attention (SIU Press, 1999), Literate Lives in the Information Age: Narratives of Literacy from the United States (with G. Hawisher, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004), Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition (with A. Wysocki, J. Johnson Eilola, and G. Sirc; Utah State University Press, 2004), Computers and the Teaching of Writing in American Higher Education, 1979-1994: A History (with G. Hawisher, P. LeBlanc, and C. Moran, Ablex, 1996).